
Posts Tagged ‘maple syrup’

Just a simple meal tonight. Would have had roasted potatoes too but I forgot to put them in soon enough (and we filled up late this afternoon on cheese and crackers from Nancy’s Cheese.)


I picked up local asparagus, fiddleheads and rhubarb from Karma this afternoon. I tend to want to prepare fresh seasonal produce simply, especially ingredients like these that I really do only eat in season. The asparagus I tossed in olive oil with a bit of salt and pepper and roasted – you can add garlic but I wasn’t in the mood this evening. I’m thinking poached eggs on the side, maybe with some toast.


I prefer rhubarb roasted as well, but I had a request for stewed so I did it that way, with some maple syrup and a bit of water to get it going. We’ll serve it with plain yogurt.

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